Landlord Information

Making Management of your Property Easy and Effective

Morton will take care of all aspects of your property investment to save you time and effort, while at the same time working towards your long term objectives of capital growth and tax management.

As a busy person, you require the day-to-day management of your property to be handled with professionalism, enthusiasm and commercial acumen. From repairs and maintenance, to tenant checking and monthly statements, Morton’s fine-tuned service will suit you perfectly.

Key Issues for Success

Realising the True Potential of your Property
At Morton, we can achieve the true value returns of your property by realising the best possible rental. Achieving optimum rent means knowing the market and having the skills to negotiate the best possible rental rate. We are constantly monitoring the market and initiating appropriate rental reviews on your behalf.

Minimise Vacancy
We understand that minimising vacancy maximises the return on your investment. Results show that our vacancy rates are statistically considerably lower than market rates.
Our many policies to achieve this excellent result include re-signing tenants to fixed leases, marketing properties prior to departure and establishing good relationships with tenants to ensure co-operation with access for Open for Inspections.

Tapping into Tenancy Supply
In addition to advertising properties in the press, on the Sydney Morning Herald website and on our website, Morton have strategic alliances with many relocation agents and companies who undertake corporate leasing. We also have an extremely successful and growing short term leasing department, so we are well tapped to all tenancy supply within the marketplace.

Tenant Checking
Our stringent tenant checking system includes a 100 point system similar to that used by banks. In addition, we check the national database of the Tenant Reference Australia which has links to other credit control agencies, call the tenant’s previous leasing agent as well as confirm their current employment.

Arrears Management: No Pay, No Stay
In this area, a stringent and systematic strategy is employed. Wherever possible, we use a direct debit process whereby rent is automatically drawn from the tenant’s bank account. However, before an arrears issue arises and even if rent is just one day late, we follow the tenant up with an immediate phone call from the Property Manager. As a last resort, tenants are terminated on day 15 of non-payment, but careful monitoring and personal contact with tenants generally prevents this situation from arising.

On Top of the Paperwork
Morton are leading agents in embracing new technology to offer a more efficient service. Our landlords are paid fortnightly by electronic transfer and statements are sent monthly either by email or standard mail.
Payments of levies, council rates and all other outgoings are recorded on Income and Expenditure statements to make it easy for your accountant to lodge your tax return.
Morton also provide sound commercial advice on all aspects of your property management including issues such as Landlord Insurance. We are accredited with the Real Estate Institute.

Keep up the Up-Keep
At Morton, we understand that you have invested in property for long term capital growth and to this end you require sound monitoring of the condition of your premises. We conduct an Annual Inspection and prepare an Annual Property Review which is a written report on the quality of your tenancy, maintenance and repairs.
In addition, we offer personal advice on whether or not to furnish and how to make the most of your individual property to maximise rental.

How can we help achieve your objectives?
At Morton, not only do we employ strategies to ensure you achieve an easy and effortless return on your investment, but because every property is different, we give personal service to ensure that you achieve success in your individual property situation.

Your Own Personal Property Manager
With Morton you can benefit from having one personal point of contact: A real-estate qualified professional who is trained to handle each and every aspect of managing your property. This person will get to know both you and your property personally, and offer you the best possible service.
Moreover, the staff at Morton are enthusiastic, responsive, intelligent, have a sense of humour, are approachable and understanding.