
It feels like a very long time, if indeed we have ever before, seen such a universal demonstration of respect as has been on display over the last couple of weeks. We may not be royalty but at Morton, we work very hard to gain the respect of our clients and peers, and equally hard to ensure we retain it. This is what I think it takes.

I know it is a slightly incongruous meeting of ideas but in ‘The Godfather’ movie Marlon Brando’s character famously states, ‘respect is earned; not given’ and there is no doubt Queen Elizabeth’s lifetime of service is a clear demonstration of that truth.

I think it is equally important to recognise the reality that the job is never done. As demonstrated by the late Queen earning respect requires an enduring commitment. But a commitment to what?

In our profession, I think it requires a commitment to truth and transparency. Our sales agents and property managers focus on providing clients with clear facts and detailed analysis. The information provided is not always good news but, as I have said repeatedly in this blog, our role is to tell clients what they need to know, not just what they want to hear.

Respect also comes from a commitment to delivering results through sheer hard work and determination. If the facts aren’t what our clients want to hear our team will have workshopped strategies and formulate a plan to maximise the best possible outcome.

I consider ‘integrity’ to be another key aspect to earning respect. Integrity is more than truth. Integrity is about having a strong moral compass: doing things the right way for the right reasons regardless of how challenging or difficult that might be.

Then there are the very human elements that combine to generate respect and which were so evident in the public presence of the Queen. Kindness and a genuine interest in others. A willingness to listen and engage is as crucial for real estate agents and property managers as they are for royalty.

Finally, I think respect is earned when we know how to respect ourselves. I encourage all at Morton to actively reflect on the work they do and the way in which they do it. Be prepared to admit if mistakes have been made as a way to ensure they don’t happen again. Seek continual professional development and be proud of the work they do and the way they do it. Understand the role we can play in delivering great outcomes for our clients.

In that way, we hope to earn and retain the respect of our colleagues, our profession and our clients.