In most cases when people think about real estate, they think only about sales. The buying and selling of residential property are where the glamour and money and focus concentrates. The reality is that’s only half the story. For every dollar, there are two sides to the coin of residential property.
Sales gets all the attention. I get it. It’s big-dollar transactions and often big properties. But property management is crucial to our clients and our business. For all the properties sold, there will always be a proportion purchased for investment that needs to be managed.
It might not be as glamorous, but the responsibility of finding a suitable tenant, at a suitable rent and then ensuring the property is suitably cared for and maintained is huge. We take it very seriously and I’m very proud to be able to say Morton is incredibly good at it.
Of course, I would say that, but last week our team was acknowledged as the best in the business by our industry peers. It is very rewarding to receive that recognition from the very people who know how hard it can be to deliver exceptional service and results for our property management clients.
It is a great acknowledgement for our team, especially considering the tumultuous times that have been endured over the last couple of years. It’s kind of gone from the extreme to the ridiculous and the pressure has been unrelenting.
Covid was chaotic as tenant circumstances changed almost overnight. It was stressful for both tenants and property owners and as property managers our team had to be ready to support both. It’s the ultimate juggle to balance both sides of that coin.
But that’s what we do. It is absolutely in the best interest of property investors for Morton to proactively support our tenants. We invest time in making sure our processes, procedures and communication with tenants are efficient and effective because investing in a good tenant delivers the right result for our property owners.
In both real estate sales and property management, the fundamentals are the same. Success is based on providing quality service, with integrity, accountability, and communication. And if you flip the coin between the two sides of real estate with Morton you will always come out the winner.